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STADA wins discount agreement tenders with Germany’s three largest public health insurers

  • 25/01/2013
  • Investor News
  • Press Release

Leading positions with AOK10, Barmer4 and TK8 - award for a total of 84 active ingredients
Bad Vilbel, January 25, 2013

STADA's sales companies have also successfully begun 2013 in the tender process for discount agreements: they won awards for a total of 84 active pharmaceutical ingredients and active ingredient combinations with the three largest public health insurance organizations and associations in Germany. The only independent German generics Group thereby provides its medicines to over 40 million insured persons of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK), Barmer GEK and Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). The medicines include frequently needed active ingredients such as Omeprazole.

“STADA has once again proven its efficiency despite exceedingly challenging conditions in the German discount agreement system”, says Hartmut Retzlaff, Chairman of the Executive Board of the STADA Group. “The fact that STADA repeatedly takes leading positions in these tenders serves as evidence of both the high quality of our products and our reliability and sustainable management.”

As announced today by the AOK association, the STADA Group won the order for 18 active ingredients and active ingredient combinations – including the blockbuster Tramadol and the product launch Ibandronic Acid – for a total of 125 regional lots in the tenth tender round with its sales companies ALIUD PHARMA and STADApharm. Nine of the active ingredients are from ALIUD PHARMA and seven from STADApharm. The two companies divide the regional lot for one of the active ingredients and another active ingredient was awarded to both companies in the context of a bidder consortium. The contracts have a term of two years and take effect in June. The total volume of the tender amounts to 1.4 billion euros per year based on pharmacy sale prices according to information of the public health insurers.

The new discount agreements with TK and Barmer GEK take effect as early as April. In the TK's eighth tender, STADA recently received awards for 55 active ingredients and active ingredient combinations including products such as Omeprazole and Oxycodone, which went to STADApharm and ALIUD PHARMA. The public insurer tendered 100 lots for 80 active ingredients and active ingredient combinations also for two-year periods.
The fourth discount agreement tender round of Barmer GEK had a volume of around 120 million euros. Eleven of the 51 awards offered went to the STADA Group. Those insured by Barmer GEK will now receive Nebivolol and Meloxicam, among others, from ALIUD PHARMA and STADApharm.

The successful results in these recent tenders stand as evidence of a sustainable development. Similarly, STADA had already closed the end of the previous year with an increased market share from the seventh discount round of GWQ. Group sales companies received 117 awards, 31 of them exclusive. GWQ-ServicePlus AG represented 46 public health insurance organizations with approximately 8 million insured persons in this tender. The contracts take effect in February 2013 and also have a term of two years.

About STADA Arzneimittel AG
STADApharm GmbH and ALIUD PHARMA GmbH are sales companies of STADA Arzneimittel AG. The Group is present in over 30 countries and has, among other things, production facilities in Germany, Russia, Serbia, Vietnam and China. In 2011, STADA Arzneimittel AG generated EUR 1.7 billion in sales and had 7,867 employees worldwide as of June 30, 2012. In addition to generics, STADA focuses on well-known branded products such as Grippostad, Mobilat and Ladival.

About discount agreement regulations in Germany:
As a result of new legal framework conditions, many public health insurance organizations introduced discount agreements with pharmaceutical manufacturing companies in 2007. When a doctor prescribes an active ingredient and does not specifically forbid its substitution, pharmacies are required to dispense the discounted medicine of the corresponding manufacturer selected by the respective public insurer. The public health insurance organization receives the medicine at a reduced price.
For more information, please contact:

STADA Arzneimittel AG
Corporate Communications
D-61118 Bad Vilbel
Tel.: +49 6101 603-165
Fax: +49 6101 603-506