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STADA Insights - Medical Sales Manager Wim


Please introduce yourself and your role at EG.

I am working as Medical Sales Manager at EG in Belgium. One of my major responsibilities is managing the medical sales representatives across all products and throughout the country. The challenge is to translate our strategies into concrete execution and making sure that execution is always top quality.

On the other hand, I provide doctors and specialists with all relevant information. It is important to stay in contact with them to propose the right solutions according to their needs - not only effective products but also services that support them in their daily practice.



What was the moment you knew you had made the right decision to work at EG?

I immediately felt recognition for the commitment I have shown. A positive mindset, drive and entrepreneurship are highly appreciated. There is a great atmosphere and open communication: Everyone actively contributes and strives for continuous improvement. This engagement showed me right from the start that I had chosen the right company.



What excites you about your current role?

The most exciting part of my role is the link between external and internal. I have a unique role within EG because I have a good picture of both - the reality of the field and the internal needs of EG. I try to align them as much as possible to combine the requirements of customers and employees. During my work, I can always count on the support of my medical representatives and Regional Sales Managers and as well of the different departments within EG such as Marketing, Finance, Business Intelligence, HR and IT.

What does the STADA purpose “Caring for people’s health as a trusted partner” mean to you personally and how does it influence your job?

I am sports oriented and very competitive. Each year I set a new goal to stay in shape. After five marathons, the next goal will be a quarter triathlon.

Being able to work for a company that contributes directly to improving health on a daily basis engages me even more. Knowing the impact of our work, seeing worthwhile outcomes, shows me that everyone can make a difference.


“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” – Jackie Robinson